The Indiana State Fair re-opened Monday morning after the tragic accident, which took five lives and injured over 30 people. Over 300 people along with state officials attended the memorial service.
Saturday night a stage at the fair collapsed amid strong winds and concert attendees scrambled to escape the falling structure. Concert goers were waiting for country band Sugarland to take the stage. The residents of Indianapolis were warned of a strong storms approaching, but concert goers weren’t told to evacuate because they believed the storm was thirty minutes away.
Some have wondered if the accident was preventable. The National Weather Service issued the strong winds warning about 10 minute previous to the stage collapse. Officials at the fair believed the storm wouldn’t reach the area until 9:15 but the storm struck before they could evacuate the area. No one has been faulted at this time for the collapse, but those who were seriously injured will need to be compensated for their injuries with the help of an accident attorney.
Further investigations will determine if the fatalities and injuries could have been prevented by quicker action. An accident lawyer can get needed compensation for the victims once investigators determine if negligence was involved.
The injured and the deceased’s family deserve to recoup their financial losses caused by this tragedy. An accident attorney can give these victims the assurance that they are fairly compensated for their suffering.